Construction waste processing factories.

After finishing dismantling of the object in order to carry out the further jobs, it is necessary to clear the object from the wastes. Removal of construction waste to a landfill site for elementary dumping is inefficient and pretty expensive approach.
Approximately 80 % of the waste products obtained after the dismantling process consist of heavy and light-weight reinforced concrete fragments as well as of brickworks. Construction waste processing into secondary broken-stone ballast for the re-using in construction industry could be an alternative variant of disposal. However, despite of obvious benefit, according to European Demolition Association  (EDA), in Russia no more than 20 % of construction waste suitable for recycling is processing.

A large amount of waste products and demolition waste that appears after demolition of the old buildings always presents a problem of its disposal and dumping that requires considerable financial expenses. Taking into account ecological aspects – the secondary recycling technology is without a rival. It makes the waste processing a greatly profitable business.
It is considered by convention, that the recycling of three demolished buildings produces the amount of material sufficient for construction of two identical buildings.

"AUTOLIK SERVICE INDUSTRY LTD" renders services of construction of the processing plant for different types of waste. Today the most popular is a mobile complex that is assembled nearby demolished buildings and allows reducing the transportation costs.

The basic complete set of the complex includes:
 - primary crushing lines;
 - sorting;
 - secondary crushing lines;
 - sorting;
 - finishing crushing;
 - sorting, washing, drying.